I just wanted to share one from one of my shoots this morning that caught my eye when uploading all the images to my computer. I first met Lily last year but something just clicked between us (no pun intended 😉 ) this year and we were able to catch some beautiful portraits. Cheryl, don’t worry I got some great ones of all of them to together but just had to share this one tonight!
This seems to be my new favorite family shot. Especially when I can get a cutie like Boston to turn like this and give me such a cute pose!again just one, well, cause quite honestly this is the only one I have done from the shoot! 🙂
Thanks! They all turned out sooo good! Boston gave us all a workout but we were still able to get some great shots.
We LOVE them!! Thank you, Thank you!! oh and we’ll probably order one of an 11 X 14 from you, just let me pick one out. Thanks again!
I have received many compliments.
We’re BACK…and just since everyone has been so patient, well some of you anyways ;), I’ll post just one from our trip! It was awesome and such a great, much needed, vacation for Jason and I. I am trying to get everything caught up before my big morning Saturday so if know that if I am not posting pictures it’s not because I don’t have any to post it’s cause I am just too darn slammed, and still jet lagged to take the chance to do so. So I promise once I get caught up you will see more post on here. Mahalo!I could have sat all day on this cliff and watched the waves come in, they were just so breathtaking! and fyi, this picture and all others from the trip, were taken with my new point and shot camera, the nikon coolpix S630!
So we are back home and I am going through emails and came across one from my website…but then I deleted before checking any of the contact info!! ARGH…so I think the last name is Whitlock, or really anyone that has emailed me this past week, send me another email either via the website or directly at kierstiephilli@live.com just to make sure I get in contact with you! SORRY about that! Thanks, Kierstie