We never know what we will get with Ayla and although she brought her feisty attitude again I think we were able to work with her this time to catch some great shots. I can not believe she is 2 already, thanks guys!Cam is up next! And for all you stalkers out there please be patient I am working at quickly as possible!
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So I had 5 shoots this weekend…bring on 2010!! So I am just getting my images backed-up and saved to their appropriate folders but I had to share ONE of my favorite images from the weekend! Don’t worry, I had favorites from each session but something about this one of Maya is just so sweet and considering our last shoot I would be happy if this were the only one we got, but again, don’t worry Sasha, there are other great ones! 🙂
I love it!!
So cute, she is beautiful!!!
So cute!!! So beautiful!!
Sasha, Is she not a mini Kyle in this picture? 🙂
Just one for now! Meet little miss Adalynn Jane…Just 7 days old on the day of this shoot, but of so awake and fun to be around!