Of course at Kelsey’s 1 yr we had to take some pictures of her with her big sister Kylie. These two girls could not be more different. From the looks to the personality. It is going to be so fun to watch these two grow up together. Kylie turned 5 in March, making her and Kelsey similar to me and my sister and the differences between two girls four years apart could not be more alike. Sorry Kylie but I will most likely be siding with Kelsey! The one big difference is I also had a brother 21 months younger than me…hmmm…now that would be interesting! hehe 🙂
Sorry I didn’t get these pictures posted last night. This little girl is so stinkin’ cute and with enough attitude you’d think I had taught her myself! Nope, now that I think about it I am pretty certain I know where she got the feistiness from! 🙂Again I am loving this crisp black and white.
I think I will call this one the beach shot. Although we were on a concrete stage I like to picture myself walking along the shore getting this shot. Tell me it doesn’t look like that!!?! Crazy huh?
This weekend I did a shoot for 3 cousins. Hopefully this will be their grandma’s best mother’s day gift ever!
The oldest and by far the best model I ‘ve had! She is adorable and such a good leader. Introducing Miss LEXI…Her younger sister the rambunctious GRACE…
And the youngest of the three TREVOR…
Getting a group shot of the three of them was, let’s just say, a little challenging. 😉 I seriously had a great time though. These kids are awesome. I am learning as I go a few combat tactics; marshmallows work wonders, distraction with fake overhead airplanes will get a 2 year old every time and some Photoshop magic can’t hurt!
Happy belated birthday…Kelsey celebrated her first birthday on Sunday. This sequence cracked everyone up…
I guess it was just easier! HAHA
And another cake of cupcakes!! Best invention ever.
We took Kelsey and her sister Kylie’s pictures that afternoon as well. I will have those posted later this week! My husband will be out of town the end of the week so I should be able to get a lot of work done!
So growing up in and living in the Midwest all my life I have never before experienced an earthquake. When asked this morning if I think it could be the end of the world I had no idea but was glad to know that if it was I was able to sleep right through it!! However right after I got to work this morning I was startled by another tremble. I did what any sane human being would do; I freaked out and ran outside (yeah I now know that wasn’t the smartest either) and was greeted by my co-worker who also felt it.
We got on the subject of fault lines and how we both think the coast of California will be gone in our lifetime; that is if it our lifetime last us past today. But he was explaining what I think is a genius idea. People are buying land along the east side of one of the major fault lines that runs through Nevada, Colorado and up through Washington. Right now these properties are going for cheap as they are just unusable dessert land but seriously in 200 years could be a great ocean front investment. 🙂
lemingz71 - Well, as much as people would love for us to have another, I do believe that we are done. Besides, I am already out numbered, so why would I shorten my rope by having another girl?
lemingz71 - The more I look at these photos, the more I want to order. We will get with you soon and place our order. Lots of WONDERFUL pictures!! Thank you for starting this business Kierstie, you are the best photographer we have ever experienced!! Need some business cards!!