Sorry these are so late guys! I hope you enjoy! I will have your CD to you this week.And just to let you know these were all taken in Lafayette! I found some new favorite places even if one of them was a secret drop location for the local dealers. ;(
So I took just a few pictures this weekend at a friend’s wedding. 🙂 ok so I took a lot but who was counting. Just a few to hold you over until I can edit the rest. Enjoy!These flowers were beautiful! I love the white with pink accents.
Everything was so beautiful! This cake was just perfect.
Ok so maybe not perfect. 😉
These look great! Thank you for taking these pictures. I can’t wait to see the rest.
I tried something new and am now saving my proofs as a smaller file! Genius I tell you! 🙂 Anyways the quality will suffer a little if you were to enlarge the picture but to save my sanity it was necessary. For anyone who knows this little beauty, you can probably understand just how excited I am to have these smiles coming through the camera.These were typical…although just as beautiful! Not everyone can work a serious face like her! 🙂
As mentioned before I won’t be posting as regularly but please don’t stop looking every day because you just never know when a new post will be up! I have an engagement session this weekend that I hope to have up on Sunday. So stay tuned and come back then!
The entire family…
This family found this location for me! The challenge is on …who can come up with the best location for their shoot?This program is killing my patience! I have tried to load these family picture for the last 2 hours!! No joke 2 hours!! Something is wrong and it is pissing me off! sorry-but it is. So for now 3 will have to suffice! I hope to have Ryane’s up this week as well. You will have to come back to see. Thanks!