Max is Emma’s new cousin and boy is he going to give her a run for her money! He is a little more serious than her and seems to be such a old soul. Although he had another agenda in mind that night I think we were able to catch some great pictures. Vince and Shelly thanks for letting me capture this special time in your lives! You are going to be such great parents…Max is a very lucky little boy!As much as it pains me… 🙂
You may remember Emma from this post or this one. She is just such a happy baby and so much fun to be around. She makes me smile just looking through these pictures. She was full of smiles for this photo shoot. Thank you Lidys for bringing me into your family’s life! A pleasure as always.Are you kidding me?!?! Beautiful!
Favorite…I’d like to think she was posing for me!
But this one is funny…the Princess is not happy right now!
If you know the Lidys and thier love for their dogs you will know why this photo if so great!
Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for letting me document your special day…well your second special day! 😉
Jordan is not only a very talented artist but also plays football! He was so easy to photograph. Thanks for letting me hang out with you that morning. Good Luck this year! This is Jordan’s work of art. This kid is very talented!
Jordan was a great model. Such a great kid and easy to capture great pictures.Jordan’s sister made an appearance towards the end of our shoot. I just LOVE this picture.
I should have these finished next week! Again thanks for being patient. Yet to come…Curtis and Lacee’s wedding, Phillippo Family pictures and some fun head shots for Nicole. And yes these are all already in the queue. Doesn’t count Emma’s 9 month and her 3 cousins all having upcoming shoots this week!
I love that the photos capture his personality in his environment – all of them were Fishers or at home. My favorites are the ones with his artwork as the background. So glad we did this, and he’s glad he spent the time to create an original backdrop.
shelley lidy - Hi Kierstie,
I am so excited! I thought for sure with Max’s crabbiness that there wouldn’t be any good pictures, you are truly amazing! I cried when I saw the picture of Vince and Max. I can’t wait to the the CD, I can come and pick it up whenever you get it done so you don’t have to mail it. Just let me know!!!
Thanks so much,
Kierstie Phillippo - Will you see Jamie soon? I can have both of them done tonight. I will put them in the back of my mailbox. Call my cell on your way over for directions. 317.670.8044 🙂 I am glad you love them. There really are a lot of good ones!
shelley lidy - Hi Kierstie,
Yes, I will see Jaime this week. I will call you in the morning to get directions and I will pick them up by noon tomorrow.
Thanks so much!!!
shelley lidy - Kierstie,
Yeah!!! There are so many good pictures, I love them!!!! I also looked at Emma’s, they are awesome!!!
Talk soon,