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MIKE and BROOKE Sneak Peak

A little sneak peak from my shoot this morning. I had so much fun with these two. I’ve known Brook for what seems like forever, since 6th grade. That’s forever, right?? And Mike just has that personality that made me feel like we were old friends! I feel so lucky to be a part of their special day. I will have more up this week, as I have to have these done before FRIDAY-my 6 shoot streak starts then!!Yeah another stunning bride! Mike, you and I are both lucky!! 😉

Brooke - Kierstie you are AWESOME! I am serious — these are HOT pics and make me so excited to see the rest! Thank you again..

PS – Can you send me your new address?

Kierstie Phillippo - I have them done!! 😉 I will post them tomorrow night. I am exhausted…so you have to wait for now, but they are great. I kept laughing out loud when editing just thinking about how much fun it was to hang out! 🙂 and you have mail.

Brooke - Yeah! You are pimp and crazy at the same time:)Work, Moving, and Photography!…. So, you are mailing us the cd?

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